Stop Racism Against Asian Americans

ally racism Mar 21, 2021

There is no way I will record a podcast without talking about what happened in Atlanta on Tuesday, March 16th and the rise in Anti-Asian violence in 2020 and into 2021.

Racism is alive and well. 

Sexism is alive and well.

Structural Racism and government sponsored racism was renewed and accelerated by #45, but it’s always been here.   

In this episode, I talk about showing up as an ally (what to do and what NOT to do).   I also share with my Asian American and Pacific Islander brothers and sisters about how they have power over how, when and with whom they engage on this subject.

Being an Ally

  • Reach out and acknowledge what’s happened
  • Don’t process your feelings with your Asian American sisters and brothers
  • Don’t assume you know how they feel;  they might not know how they feel
  • Learn some history.  Read people's stories and experiences.  Take it in, sit with it, and then let it move you to action  You should be sad, angry and frustrated with our country that is so short of its ideals.
  • You can also be mad about mental health, gun access, and other things that related specifically to this story, but please don’t minimize the racism.  It’s insulting. 

For Asian American and Pacific Islander Brothers and Sisters

  • It’s ok to be angry, confused and scared
  • You have power to decided when and how you want to engage on the topic and process.  There isn’t a right way an you don’t owe it to anyone to help them understand
  • Call it racism and sexism and keep calling it that


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