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Setting an Intention for the Year

 I love goal setting and planning.  I’ve shared on this podcast in years past my goal setting process and areas. I have goals for this year but in this episode I am focused on my intentions for 2022.  Tune in to learn about...

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Goal Setting Success and Struggle: A Week of Receipts!

In episode 76 (Goal Setting and the Illusion of Control), I shared about my goals for 2021.  I talked about focused on key habits in several areas of my life, along with a few achievement oriented goals.   Well, I wanted to follow-up...

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Goal Setting and the Illusion of Control

Have you made it through Q1 of 2021 without any goals for the year? (Raising my hand!). I am ready to set some goals, but first had to have an honest conversation with myself about what I actually have control over.

Listen to this episode if you...

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My Year! Happy 2020

 Happy New Year!

Today, I am going to share my 2020 Plans, but in a unique way.  I’ll share:

  • What I am leaving behind in 2019
    • Judgment
      • Caring about other people’s judgment
      • Judging others
    • Fear-based decision making
    • Lack...
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50% Complete

Two Step

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