Reviewing My Progress on 2019 Goals: A 90 Day Check-In

In today’s show, I am taking inventory of the first 3 months of 2019.   This year, I want to make a habit of checking in with myself every 90 days (quarterly) to see how I am tracking against the goals that I set for myself for the year.

I set goals in multiple areas of life: Spiritual, Financial, Health, Marriage, Parenting, Personal Development, and Relationships.

I'll review each area briefly, starting with my PUSH Goal.  This is a concept I learned from Michael Hyatt in a goal-setting course.  A push goal isn't necessarily your most important goal, but it is the goal that will have the biggest impact if you can achieve it.  It can start a domino effect to help you achieve your other goals. 

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  1. PUSH Goals:  Plan meals each week and track food daily
    1. What is going well:
      1. Planning Meals!  
      2. I did meet with a registered dietitian and that has superseded the tracking goals, in that it’s taking a long time to get my meals planning to make sure that I am getting the 3 macronutrients correct (carbs, healthy fat and lean protein) at every meal.
    2. Could be improved
      1. Not tracking daily.  I’ve gotten better and am tracking multiple days per week, but not daily.  
      2. Macronutrients for the kids for each meal
      3. Better lunches
    3. So, I would give myself a B here
  2. Marriage
    1. Date night 2 times per month (1 out and 1 in)
    2. Be intimate at least 2 times per week
    3. Less screen time--we cut out screens for the kids during the week and as a result, we cut our own screen time
    4. Grade: A-
  3. Parenting
    1. GOod
      1. Screen time--cut during the week
        1. More interactions--games and playing
        2. Better playing with each other
        3. More creative and talkative
      2. Pray for Jeremiah, Simeon, and Joanna every day
      3. Patience and approach to them is much improved
    2. Do at least 1 learning activities with each child per week
    3. Grade: A-
  4. Financial
    1. Good
      1. Additional life insurance, separate disability
      2. Building emergency fund
      3. Strong giving
    2. Could be improved
      1. Lots of transitions, so behind on this goal
      2. Pay off--haven’t really gotten a good handle on that
      3. Monthly budgeting meeting
      4. Grade: B-/C+
  5. Health
    1. Working out 3-4 days per week
    2. Lost 6 pounds since the start of the year
    3. Changing food options
    4. Role Modeling for our kids
    5. Feel good
    6. Look good in my clothes
    7. Self-care:  consistent, good sleep
    8. Grade A
  6. Work
    1. Stress has increased
    2. Working on a longer-term project that has a potential impact
    3. Speaking up more about important topics
    4. Grade: A
  7. Spiritual:
    1. Reading consistently the past month
    2. Not spending enough quiet time
    3. Grade: B
  8. Relationships
    1. Not in regular contact as much as I’d like
    2. Have made some trips and have more upcoming:
    3. B
  9. WifemotherLeader
    1. Podcast: B+
    2. Flash Briefing: B+
    3. Social Media: C-
    4. Live Show: Postponed
    5. Speaking:
      1. 1 done
      2. 1 Upcoming
    6. Overall:  B

50% Complete

Two Step

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